VIMOSZ is the Hungarian food service and hospitality association and the « voice » of employers in the hospitality sector. VMZ has access to a wide network of business, schools and health-care catering companies, as member of Food Service Europe. VMZ is also member of Food Service Europe’s EU Code of Conduct Tasforce. Being part of the sector’s European social dialogue intends to convince employers and employees about the necessity to shift to healthy and sustainable choices in food services.
- Leader of the CWG Food services. VMZ will share surveys to its members to ask them:
– the needs and current local/national/EU initiatives implemented by food services,
– the barriers and enablers of food services in shaping better food environments,
– ideas of solutions from food services to improve food environments,
– a selection of their preferred solutions. VMZ will also support LLs in the test of solutions with food services.

Ferenc Sáfár
Contract catering and communication expert