Established in 1981, the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) is one of the world’s largest non-profit environmental education organisations, with over 100 member organisations in 80 countries.  With 40 years of impactful experience in ESD, our three educational programmes, Eco-Schools, Learning About Forests and Young Reporters for the Environment, empower young people to create an environmentally conscious world through a solutions-based approach. Our Green Key and Blue Flag programmes are globally recognized for promoting sustainable business practices in tourism and the protection of natural resources.


  • Participation to different tasks, with a focus on education: ​
    – analysis of the influence of social and physical food environments on high impact behaviours, ​- analysis of psychological and lifestyle-related factors influencing high impact behaviours.​
    – four-step design-process to design a coherent mix of interventions across governance levels​
    – co-creation and test of a capacity building toolbox and educational interventions for schools (leader)​
  • Leader of the Consultation and Working Group (CWG) Restaurants.​

Pramod Kumar Sharma

Senior Director of Education

Jessica Mery

International Coordinator of Education Projects​​

Claudia Bogensperger

International Green Key Coordinator